The other night I was woken by a phone call at 1 am in the morning. Jumping out of bed, I picked up the phone to discover that it was a potential client who was seeking a reading. Now because I list my professional work address on my web sites folks just assume that they are calling the church when they call but to make things easier I have the calls come to my home so I can book appointments.
Anyway like I said I was woken by a long distance ring on the telephone. After my initial panic I decided to pick up the phone and have to say that it was one of the most interesting conversations I have had with a complete stranger in a long time! Now that does not mean that I want to encourage late night phone calls… not at all, but something important did come from the questions the caller had which motivates me even more to keep this blog up to date.
As I said before, I want to use this blog to help seekers find the right psychic for them and allow others to learn from my 12 years of experience working in the psychic industry.
Now back to the call that came in on Thursday night. The caller was asking me it if were possible for a psychic to remove evil spells from a person. Being in a half dead sleep I thought she was kidding until I realized that she was telling me that another psychic told the caller that she had an evil spell on her and that it would cost her $600.00USD to have it removed by the psychic! Now this kind of nonsense on the behalf of psychic workers is a big problem in the industry. Some folks think that it is ok and their right to fleece an uneducated and trusting public but that is not the case! This kind of gouging just makes all psychics look bad as the public gets wind of these horrible stories of such practices and then thinks that all folks who work as psychics are con artists. That said I am glad that the caller asked the question!
What to do if the same thing happens to you:
If any one working as a psychic tells you they can remove evil spells for a cost get away from them as fast as you can what they are doing is illegal and can get them put out of business if reported.
Now dealing with online readers it is hard to know who they really are but there are ways to find out. If you have an email address for them you can report them to their internet service provider. Fraud is fraud and most ISPs will discontinue the fraudster’s Internet service. If the psychic in question works for a particular psychic reading website you can report them to the operators of the site. Also you may want to report the incident to the internet fraud department of your local police force.
In the case of the situation where one is going to a face to face reading appointment be aware of your location and keep the contact information and report any questionable episodes to the local police. The chances that a psychic you are dealing with in an in person appointment would try such tactics is somewhat less because most psychics who work in the community face to face with clients do know the laws of their province/state and city. Most do not want to risk their reputations and legal problems but all the same you the buyer needs to be aware and proactive.