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Sunday, February 18, 2007

When Dogmatists Run The Show….

“Of all isms I think dogmatism the worst.”

-- English freethinker George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906).

The most dogmatic individuals who are all about THEIR rules being the only GOOD Spiritualism constantly show their own inconstancy by trying to make all their students believe that their warped perceptions of Spiritualism are accurate and right while pontificating about the lack of dogma and creed in Spiritualism. While there may be no OFFICIAL dogma and creeds to follow, these leaders are so busy trying to fit everyone into their box that they cannot see how this action is a huge deterrent to building congregations and get mighty nasty when folks reject being boxed in. Hence why there are so many churches and so little true effort to work together and DEMONSTRATE The Brotherhood of Man by example from the leadership in Spiritualism.

While some churches and their leadership do see the badmouthing of other churches as a problem the norm is that “newbies” feed a bunch of negativity and nonsense (by those who profess positive attitudes) about how the other churches are “no good” and how "those people" are running other churches are degrading what they see as “true” Spiritualism. This rubbish comes from insecure folks who are so focused on trying (by any means) to keep people at their churches and lining their pockets.

Another inconsistency seems to be that certain people rail against “psychic parlor tricks” and “low level spiritual work”. They say that psychics are only reading from the physical energy/ aura around people. And yet these people are offering aura readings as a good example of mediumship? If the aura is only a reflection of the sitter’s mental, spiritual and physical state then offering aura reading is little more than a lazy way to read and is no better than the psychics that are supposedly lacking. It seems that the cheap psychic parlor tricks are ok if they draw in the cash though.

And more on burnout… some have the warped notion that to be truly spiritual you have to give till it hurts and that if you don’t then you are not truly a giver. Where is the balance of body, mind and spirit in that kind of thinking and expectation of others? Why then do such demanding leaders/ministers only have one or two workers that they drain to the point of burnout in the first place? Could it be that the more experienced workers see these leaders for the energy suckers they really are and have moved on long a go? Seems very likely and so if you enter a church and it is obviously a one woman/man show then you know that there is something wrong and to take a good look at what is really going on in the organization before you choose to get involved.

Good teachers learn and grow with the questions their students bring to them but too many are too wrapped up in their way being the right way to really consider the view of others who are just as qualified as they are! So the opinions of the “newbies” that have come to them as students will never be heard if truth be known. These so-called “teachers” pontificate about growth and evolution but when truly challenged to do so they balk at the idea and rant about why they must cling to the status quo. They even go so far as to become paranoid about others “taking over” the organization when all that is really offered are ideas to help move the organization in the direction the leader professes that he or she wants it to go. How is being so paranoid about one’s position and status a sign of positive connection to spirit?

Good teachers also are able to learn from other teachers and do not try to one up them in front of the students because they feel jealous and insecure. Good teachers make sure to check the content of guest teachers’ teaching materials BEFORE the class and make sure that everyone is on the same page! The sign of a truly inept teacher is one who does not do the prep work and then has so little respect for the other volunteers working for him or her that he or she insists on cornering them publicly in front of the class. Shoddy presentation if that is the way he or she runs the show! Yep natural law works well and negativity might be gauged by student responses to the course material’s lack of substance and negative attitude of the said teacher to the guest teachers who were working for free while the cash flowed into the said teacher’s pocket. Again I ask whose church is dying while other churches are building nicely and teachers have more students that space permits. Seems the said teacher who was belittled in front of a class of less then 5 has 17 of his own students and other home circles need more room to accommodate interested seekers! Where people are NOT going is a sure sign of where negativity exists in full force!

Yes the internet is full of information and yes discrimination and discernment is key but for those who do their church shopping online the ideas I have expressed in the last few blogs do not just apply to the online presence these organizations have but also should help interested seekers ask truly informed questions of those who set themselves up as “teachers” in Spiritualism. The savvy seeker will take what they read online from and about the said church and enter that organization with their eyes open. They will be asking questions about the leadership, the educators and the vitality of the organization which the dogmatists running the show may find difficult to answer! That open challenge by informed seekers is where the evolution lies. Questioning and taking their church membership to places that have reasonable answers to the questions forces dogmatic dinosaurs to be accountable to the public on the public’s terms.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to find a TRULY HEATHY and THRIVING Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre! #2--Critical Media Literacy and Website Analysis--Spiritualism Content

On reflecting on my last blog entry I realized that I forgot to add a few other details about how a truly healthy and thriving Spiritualist Church promotes itself if it wants continue to attract the increasingly spiritually and internet savvy public.

As well as posting who the regular church workers are on their web site it is customary that the church calendar (if posted online) show which workers are working on what dates few months a head of time so that seekers can check out different workers and plan their busy lives accordingly.

Again, I cannot stress how important the detailed biographies of the Spiritualist Educators selling courses are to prospective students. Given that the bios are often how discerning people judge when choosing their teachers, one cannot blame seekers for wanting to know WHO the instructors are and WHAT qualifies them to teach the courses they are expecting students to shell out serious cash for.

If an instructor is truly up to snuff and current they will have no problem indicating this in a detailed bio online. Of particular interest to experienced seekers is how current the instructor’s education in Spiritualism is and what current research and articles they have written for Spiritualist publications. It is also helpful to know what postsecondary diplomas and degrees these folks have outside of their Spiritualism training as this will give you a good idea just how broad these “teachers’” knowledge base is and if they are able to teach to people who may or may not have more education than they do.

While it is true that there is less dogma and creed in Spiritualism it is NOT dogma free as much as some would like to delude themselves it is. As soon as one sets themselves up as a teacher selling courses in Spiritualism they are saying that "THIS is what Spiritualism IS!" And yet they do not see how they are telling others what spirit is or is not? Where does the personal journey of learning or individual understanding of Spirit (that is to come from within) fit in this case?

It is definitely a matter of personal interpretation and if that is the case why do you need to spend cash and time meeting the standards of one particular Spiritualist Minister or another when all you need to do is move on when you have had your fill? But wait isn't this kind of free thinking and fluid movement that is touted as part of the no creed no dogma kind of Spiritualism actually the same kind of attitude that the New Age is often faulted for by Spiritualist Leaders? Hmmm now I am confused... No dogma so move on when you have had enough but we need standards in education??? Who sets those standards if Spiritualism is supposed to be for free thinkers?

So the rub is this Spiritualism is for free thinkers and is apparently without dogma and creed but if you want to participate in the churches you then are saddled with what their ministers’ vision of what Spiritualism is or should be.

The even sadder truth is that some Spiritualist ministers are so disparate for a congregation and church workers that they will put new students up on the platform well before they are truly ready. For may of these "newbies" the experience of working in the churches starts out as gratifying and after a time will come to be a whole lot of work as they are asked to do more and more without consideration for their need for family/life balance. New church worker burnout is all too common and usually happens in a very short time.

More experienced mediums know to pace themselves and they know how not to get in over their heads. They have learned how to say "No sorry cant do that...." and they also look for Spiritualist Churches and Learning Centres where there is a group of people dividing the church duties so they do not become over whelmed. If you are a new church worker do not let the minister suck you into being at the church more than you are comfortable attending. Go to additional events if you are interested but do not let anyone make you feel obligated.

Organizational problems and politics aside, the history and methods of Spiritualism do need to be taught if Spiritualism is going to truly thrive, but how do leaders accomplish this in a way that allows for reasonable continuity between the churches if none of them is willing to truly work together? It is obvious that the principle of The Brotherhood of Man is pontificated about more than it is exercised in some cases!

Add to the infighting in and among the different organizations the fact that there are different styles/kinds of Spiritualist Churches and you have a combination where there is little hope to reasonably standardize the education offered. This being the case then begs the question, how is the public supposed to judge what is good or bad mediumship let alone what is good education and what is rubbish? Further if this lack of consistency and varying standards of education are the norm how can Spiritualists actually claim that mediums are better than psychics? I don't know but the argument is often made regardless.

The only way to find out what is good and what is not in Spiritualism is to check out the various Spiritualist Churches and Learning Centres and make up your own mind. My intent here is not to tell folks what they should do or think but rather to give useful suggestions based on thorough critical media literacy and web site analysis experience that will help the seeker read and interpret more carefully what they are viewing online so that they can use better discernment. If my experiences help others rethink and question more thoroughly those who set themselves up as "experts" and "educators" in Spiritualism so they can avoid the nonsense and the politics and yet enjoy what the religion, philosophy and science of Spiritualism has to offer then I am pleased to help.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How to find a TRULY HEATHY and THRIVING Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre!

Anyone who has been in Spiritualism any length of time knows that the sign of a healthy, truly thriving Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre is one that can list on an ongoing basis on their website/promotional materials etc. the variety active demonstrators that work for the church. These workers are the ones who make the Sunday services, Public Psychic/Message Nights and other community events happen. In fact these workers usually do most of the work for free as part of their so-called training and education that is supposed to qualify them for working within the said Spiritualist Church/ Learning Centre.

Now I fully understand the value of voluntarism but some so-called ministers choose to take complete advantage of others for years and then have the nerve to say that such folks are "deadwood" and "negative" when if it were not for the free labour of these people the so-called Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre would not have had the quality mediums, healers and lecturers it once did nor the advertising and web savvy that it currently does.

A truly blossoming Spiritualist Church will have a website or other promotional materials that will provide all the pertinent details for the interested seeker. This means that you can find out who is part of the board, the regular mediums on the roster and the instructors who teach the courses offered as a means to church worker credentials. If the information seems lacking or not freely available or the organization feels like a one woman/man show then the interested attendee should be aware that this is a very bad sign although unfortunately very common in Spiritualism.

If the Spiritualist Church/ Learning Centre is really doing as well as its promotional documents and websites profess then the courses offered should have a wide selection of teachers offering instruction and these folks should have the proper background of knowledge and actual ability to demonstrate (in a practical way) the material covered. Each teacher’s/instructor's bio/resume should be available to prospective students and online if the Spiritualist Church/ Learning Centre is promoting itself online. This information will be readily available to interested seekers if the organization is as up to scratch as it claims to be! If not then you might be better to keep looking elsewhere for real Spiritualism Education and Training.

More importantly though, good courses in Spiritualism should not be run by one person and should encompass more than just the lecture format. Lack of variety in presentation of the content indicates a lack of instructor's ability or lack of team support or both. It is amazing to me how many Spiritualist Ministers are truly not fit to teach and cannot perform to any real consistent standard when they should be able to. Given that much of what is learned in Spiritualism is learned by doing/practicing the methods not just lecturing about the concepts it is important that the instructor have the breadth of knowledge and practical ability and that their knowledge and ability is current! A proper Spiritualist curriculum will be interactive and use a full range of teaching methods and will be provided by an instructor whose knowledge is up-to-date! If the material and the instructor seems one dimensional or lacking in anyway take that as a sign that you should keep seeking to find better learning experiences elsewhere.

If you do not see a variety of workers listed on the events calendar or a clear list of who the teachers are (with detailed, current bios) that are supposed to teach the courses in Spiritualism then you have to ask yourself how viable the organization truly is. Glossy materials and bluster in blogs/websites/and documentation stating viability and a thriving status of the organization does not make it so. Bluster is just that and should be backed up by real substance but usually is not when it comes down to it.

When considering attending a Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre thoroughly check out the blogs of the minister and or the church website also ask for as much documentation on the organization, its leadership and instructors as you can get your hands on. If the documentation is not forthcoming or if you feel like it is a “one dog show” after reading the information they DO provide then likely your impression is right on the mark.

If you do decide to get involved with courses from a said Learning Centre teaching Spiritualism PLEASE take the time to attend other events they offer before you dig deep in your pockets! Take your time getting involved and be careful how much money you put into it. The longer you are around the more likely you will see the true level of viability (or lack there of) as the case may be of the specific organization. If it really is thriving you will know it very shortly.

If there is a lack of attendance or the minister makes negative comments about people who have left even if it is just a subtle derogatory reference to “deadwood” or supposed “negative people” either to you in person or in public writings you need to ask yourself what is really going on with that spiritual leader. Ask yourself why that person is still so focused on the negative people or situations they say are no longer a problem for the said organization? Keep reading what this person writes and keep listening to what he or she says over time. Eventually they will show you where the real problem rests.

Quite simply control freaks in the leadership of Spiritualist Churches and Learning Centres have the habit of driving good mediums/healers and teachers away BECAUSE are unwilling or unable to work with others as part of a team. If you are around these types long enough you will come to recognize them for who they really are as the pattern does repeat itself will become obvious over time!

Whatever Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre you decide to get involved with please take the time to fully examine what is offered and ask Spirit to help you focus your sense of discernment!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Feeling is Believing... Why We Know Spirit Contact is Real

Ever wonder why Spiritualists and Psychics believe as strongly as they do in the connection to the afterlife and why they know that Spirit contact is real?

While many folks might want to challenge the understanding these folks have of the Spirit World there are just some experiences that cannot be explained away. In my work as a Spiritualist Medium/Psychic Advisor I hear all kinds of different personal stories where people have been touched in a very real way by their loved ones who are now in spirit.

A few weeks ago I received a wonderful email from one of the sitters in my development circle explaining how her grandmother came through with beautiful proof that she had come to visit this woman earlier in the evening during the development class. I am pleased to share here on this blog with the writer’s permission the section of email as it was written to me a few weeks ago. I hope in doing so I can help others understand how wonderful spirit contact can be.

According to Anne in an email dated January 31, 2007:

“On our way home from your house last night we [Anne and her husband Denis] were talking about our meditation and we both felt that we'd had a really wonderful experience. When we got home there was this wonderful smell in the house like someone had been baking. The house was warm and the aroma was all around the house even up the stairs and in the bedroom. At first I thought I had left something in the over and checked but nothing; we went all around the house sniffing trying to find out where the smell was coming from but we couldn't find anything. All I could think of was that Sarah mentioned that she saw someone around me that could have been my grandmother and she was an awesome cook and baked all time. I could feel her presence, as I do sometimes, and could see her smiling at us. I still find it amazing when these incidents happen, no wonder we love Tuesdays!”

When I consider such events I have to think they happen to remind us that our loved ones in spirit love us very much and do come to visit us and remind us of good times and joyful memories. In asking for proof that it was her grandmother that was near during the development circle Anne and her husband both experienced a welcoming home that only her grandmother would/could offer to them. It is these loving experiences shared with spirit that strengthens our belief that everything and everyone is connected and that there is much more to this life than the here and now.

With that understanding in mind Spiritualist Mediums and Psychics find peace and healing and personal balance in their lives and feel compelled to share these experiences with others so that they too might enjoy such occurrences in their lives. As a Spiritualist Medium/ Psychic Advisor my primary goal is to help others discover who is near them from the Spirit world and what blessings these folks in spirit wish to share with them.

It is with many thanks that I share Anne’s personal story and encourage others to share their positive personal experiences with their guides, teachers and loved ones who are in the spirit realm.

Please feel free to add your positive experience with spirit contact to the discussion area of this blog.

Do you believe in spirit contact with aliens through channeling?

When someone says they are spiritual or they are in spiritual work do you have higher expectations of them than you do of others around you?