There are moments in life when everything just seems to be going on a flow. I must say that this time in my life seems to be one of those moments filled with synchronicity! I was blessed to find this great 2 bedroom apartment that allows me to work and teach from home and I am fortunate enough to be able to cover all my expenses and yet enjoy myself! I am so peaceful and thankful for the way things worked out!
Finally getting settled after the move, thank God! Feels so good to have this place feeling like home! So much has happened since I last wrote on my blog. At the end of July I was interviewed for a television program called 3D Dialogue. It was a very interesting experience! The show is a local cable cast multi-faith discussion show where folks from different spiritual beliefs are interviewed about their faiths. I found the host to be very insightful and respectful. Also found that the interview time few by. It was only a 7 minute interview where I was asked about Spiritualism. So much for my 15 minutes of fame eh? Actually, I really found it quite easy to talk to the host of the show and am very pleased to have had the opportunity to represent my religious community in the GTA. The show does not air until the week of the 23 of October 2006 but I am really curious how it turned out. For more information on the show as it is broadcast in the Toronto Ontario Canada area and the host (T. Sher Singh) click this link
Funny thing was it took longer for me to sign the release forms and to go through makeup than it did for me to do the entire interview! All about image you know! Knowing me, I will not like myself on TV I have never liked myself on video (but then who does?) and although I have done a few commercials for local charities at different times of my life, I always felt funny about how I come across on TV! Ego aside my hope is that the short, informal interview helps people to understand Spiritualism, and for those seeking maybe seeing the interview will be a positive influence that will encourage some people to take a deeper look at the religion, philosophy and science of Spiritualism as a possible path. Not that I wish to convert people rather simply that I found Spiritualism to be a way that works for me and if it helps others too then great.
On a different but related note, I have managed to get a group together and have started holding psychic development circles in my home. There are about 8 of us at the moment and it is wonderful to have a strong group of people that are interested in working on their own spiritual growth and psychic development. Given that there is a strong interest I am considering starting a second circle on a different night. I have a few people who might be interested and so if you read this blog entry, are in the local vicinity and figure you would like to find out more you can drop me a line using the contact link at this site or you can email me at cmac29@rogers.com.