Over the holidays, I was going through my groups on a site called meetup.com. This site has been great! I have met so many wonderful people I now consider friends and business associates that I would never have had the chance to meet otherwise. That said I had applied to join one business group. I should have looked at the page more carefully and realized that the page was private and locked up tight as a drum. If I had paid attention to these details, I would have realized that this site was not for me and I would not have bothered to apply.
Anyway, almost 3 weeks later I receive a rather terse reply from the organizer. I was told that they only accept one person from each business industry. Now I am sure they have good reason for this but it hardly seems sensible not to want to connect to other people in your field.
As I said, in my reply to the organizer, some of the best business contacts and opportunities I have made are with other psychics and intuitive workers. I did say that the approach the group had towards business networking was VERY limiting and that I am quite happy to move on to more progressive networking groups.
As I began working through my day (on my so-called day off) I got to thinking. What is it with people who are afraid to connect with and work with others in their own industries? Seems to me, in the psychic industry anyway, there is a real fear of competition and because of that fear many professionals in this field do not work well with others whom they see as a personal threat to their business.
Me on the other hand, I figure that each of us will draw to us the clients we are meant to serve. There is no way I can read everyone in my community who would like to have a reading. I figure there are enough clients to go around and if we are ethical and honest in our work we will do well in the psychic industry. I do not worry about what my "competition" is doing. I just focus on what I do well. This does not mean that I am not aware of the other mediums and psychics in my field. In fact, many of my clients will talk about their past experiences with other psychics and will ask me if I know them. Most of the time, I can say I do not know them and later I might Google them to see who they are and what they are about.
I like to know what others are doing. I know that I am good at what I do but I also know that there is always room to learn from others. With this in mind I try to stay centred in the energy of co-operation rather than the energy of competition.
The energy of co-operation is positive and love or respect based. It works from the assumption that we can co-create great business opportunities together and that this will lead to a win-win situation for all involved. It takes the pressure off as you focus on what you do well and what brings you satisfaction as an intuitive worker.
Completion energy on the other hand, is totally fear based and negative. It is rooted in a poverty consciousness and presupposes that there are not enough resources (in this case clients) to go around. Psychics who focus on this energy find they are stressed all the time and surely this stress must impact their readings. I do know people can sense stress and fear and clients with even a little bit of intuitive ability will pick up on it and will choose to take their business elsewhere.
The same can be said of any industry or in any social situation. The more we allow fear-based thinking to take hold the less we manifest what we really want. To that end be mindful that in whatever social or business situation you find yourself, cooperative energy will always bring better results that competitive energy. My only question is: How long will it take people to learn this?