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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Love Potion #9 another Popular Scam!


It never ceases to amaze me the extent some psychics will go to when trying to make money. Now I do know that there are material needs to be met and like everyone else I have money constraints as well but that is no reason to gouge the seeker and fill their minds full of nonsense just to keep them on the line or to keep them coming back for the next reading. Yes we enjoy and appreciate regular customers but the focus should be to help folks to sort out their lives and to find their own strengths. The focus is not to create reading junkies.

What do I mean by reading junkies? Well these are those clients who are constantly emailing, calling or meeting with you for readings and for whom it does not matter what you say because they are not hearing you anyway. These are the folks who are so psychically addicted that they cannot make their minds up without consulting their advisor or advisors as the case may be. Now not all the blame can be placed on these confused and needy folks. In fact if truth be known the blame should be placed squarely in the shoulders of the psychic industry that is so motivated by money.

The worst part of the industry is the psychics who promise magic cures and potions that will fix people’s lives. This is common in the area of romance and relationships. While it is tempting to think it would be great to have a wonder drug that makes life work as we want the reality of something like that happening is doubtful at best. I have one friend when he and his partner broke up who was directed to a psychic who told him that he could give my friend a magic potion that would make his wife come back. While my friend was momentarily tempted he had the good sense to question the ethics of using such a method to fix his broken relationship. He asked himself “Why would I want to force someone to come back via a potion if they chose to leave in the first place?” He figured that he would always wonder if he did use such means if she came back and really did love him or only came back because of the potion that was used.

Now it worked out right for my friend who was sensible even when he was devastated, but let’s examine at what happens if the seeker is desperate enough to give the potion scam a try. If they do fall for it this then tells the unscrupulous psychic that they have a ready and willing sucker whom he or she can bleed dry financially. I mean not only can you convince these folks they need the potion but you can convince them that they need to keep buying it to keep the so called magic spell on the desired loved one working as it should. Now chances are that even with the potion the partner who has left the relationship will not return regardless of the potion used and the seeker soon finds out that they were ripped off.

It is important that folks understand that the idea of a psychic reading is simply a snapshot of the seeker’s situation and concerns at the time of the appointment. We all have Spirit influences around us and different guides, guardians and teachers come forward at different times to assist with various aspects in our lives. That in mind then it is important to know that a reading is not cast in stone and that the future is changeable. The spirit guidance that comes forth are meant as guide posts and not as cast in stone details that are guaranteed to be laid out for us the way we want. While we do get glimpses into the situations of our clients no psychic can or should guarantee 100% accuracy. Anyone who dares to do so is either delusional or scamming the public.

What a reputable psychic will offer you are some explanation of his or her experiences and possibly some references who can attest to their work as a psychic. Now bear in mind no one is ever going to choose dissatisfied clients to give references for them, but from the references you will get a sense of how that psychic conducts themselves ethically and professionally when they are doing readings. The psychic should be willing to address informational questions about his or her work, the workings of a reading and methods of payment and meeting for an appointment. It is not fair to expect the psychic to give you a freebee reading to prove his or her talent. While you will find that most will attune and demonstrate to show they are connected to you as a potential client, usually the psychic knows when a caller is looking for freebees and has no intent to book them and will not continue. I mean it is only fair that the psychic does not want to spend hours of time talking to folks who have no intention of booking a reading.

In my case I do try to treat people with respect and try to spend some time helping folks decide what it is they really need. Sometimes they call wanting a reading but this may not truly be what they are seeking at all. While I am in the business to do readings I also try to help folks find what they are looking for even if that means I do not book them for a reading. Chances are by taking the time to talk to them I will eventually end up doing a reading for them at some future point in time.

Now as much as I try to take time with folks there are times when I am tired and can be human and just want to make a quick booking and not have to get into a detailed discussion with folks. There are times when dealing with folks on the phone, online, in email and in person can be taxing. For example today I took 3 calls for folks just information seeking within a 45 minute time period and by the last call I just wanted to say did you read the details on the web site?? Did you even bother to check out what was there or did you just see my ad and dial the number?? Now I know I should be grateful that folks are calling and I am actually, but sometimes it would be encouraging if I felt like folks did read the information on the website before calling as most of the basic questions are answered.

That said the way that a seeker can be a good client and also protect themselves from the scammers is to do their homework. Find out all you can about the reader you are considering hiring and that includes reading any information he or she provides on his or her website. If after that the seeker still has questions then it is only fair that he or she contact the reader and find out the answers.

Also ask the reader some simple questions. How do you work? What kinds of readings do you do? What can I expect to get out of the reading? What kind of reading would be best for me? Given the answers that come from the discussion you will then know if you really want/ need a reading and if this reader is the right one for you. I say finding a good psychic is like finding a good hair dresser. They are rare but when you find one you know it!

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Do you believe in spirit contact with aliens through channeling?

When someone says they are spiritual or they are in spiritual work do you have higher expectations of them than you do of others around you?