Sometimes even when you know that spirit is using you to help teach another, there comes a point when you cannot teach what needs to be learned unless the seeker is willing to examine their thinking and make changes that will enable them to take in the lessons that are required.
It seems to me that there are many instances in life where one is presented with teachers who come with messages and lessons with which we are not yet ready to accept. This being the case, life is like a series of choices—like what is behind door number one, door number two, and door number three. It is not that the lessons will not eventually be learned, but rather that the road we take or the door we pick depends on how we see our life situation at the time.
One of the hardest things for newcomers to Spiritualism to realize is that thoughts are energy. They are concrete things and they affect others around us, so much, that we should be aware of how we think… Many folks are holding on to old, counter-productive thought patterns that result in them repeating the same experiences many times over in their lives. As frustrating as this might be for us, we must understand that themes repeat themselves in life when we have yet to learn the lesson behind the experience that is brought to the fore.
Even as we do understand that this is how the universe works, there are times when we just do not want to deal with certain aspects of life experience that builds character. Regardless we are usually required to deal with the life lesson sooner or later and so how we do so is up to us. Life is like a huge road map and the route we take is not predestined but rather is a changeable course as we go that depends on our life choices.