While it is possible to learn to change thought patterns and in that what we say and do, the struggle for most of us is that we do not really cope well with change. It is a daily struggle and it seems that it is even more challenging for folks who are wrapped up with title and self perceived power and right to control others to truly live by the spiritual principles they profess to live by. Again it seems they pontificate about Natural Law and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and yet these notions seem to apply to everyone but themselves.
It seems that those that are insecure and need titles and to control others are the least likely to make the necessary changes. Now this is almost expected with politicians and other leaders in the secular world but it is also a problem in the spiritual community as well. It seems that the very Reverend who is supposed to be a guide to others and not caught up in title and material greed is the worst offender in spite of long winded pontifications as to how others should live their lives, develop their spirituality and mediumistic gifts and use these to help others in the world around them. Now it is fair to say that all people including those propping themselves up as spiritual leaders are flawed, but it can also be said that if you look closely as to what is going around these folks you can get a good idea as to their true intent and focus.
In Spiritualism the issue has always been poorly educated, insecure leaders trying to build themselves up through exerting as strangle hold on their congregation. They love the power that derive from their title and the attention they get from working as a medium. Then there is the issue of money. My experience in many different churches has shown me that most of these leaders are money hungry, jealous and conniving if the truth be known. So why do people bother with Spiritualism? Well like any other religion the principles are sound even if the leadership leaves much to be desired. If you are interested in Spiritualism the best thing you could do is to attend several churches and find a medium you like and trust to teach you what they know and see if you can find a well organized home circle to attend. Do not get totally involved with one church. Doing this will mean that you will soon find your life consumed by the agenda of the above described spiritual leaders who are all about taking care of their own needs first. Visit many churches and keep your options open. Do not let any one tell you how to walk your walk with spirit. Let spirit guide you. Read the books that draw you and go to the churches you feel most comfortable in. The idea is that Spirit will be with you wherever you find community and fellowship. Community and fellowship does not require that you become tied to any one church.
Spirit contact was discovered and experimented with in home circles. Then it split in two paths: Psychic Science Research groups and the Spiritualist Churches. Both are useful to the seeker in learning how to work with their own psychic abilities and developing as a medium and a healer. While I feel it is essential to have positive spiritual focus to be a strong medium how you develop that spiritual relationship with your guardian, guides and teachers is between you them and God. It cannot be dictated to you by anyone who proclaims that they are your teacher. While we do learn from those around us and the shared experience will help us form our relationship with our spirit helpers, it is not just ONE teacher that will have an impact on us. You will have many teachers in various areas in your life at the same time. This is especially true of spiritual development. Various guides and teachers will come in when needed to convey the right message or idea that will help you on your path. While working with a knowledgeable Spiritualist is helpful if you are exploring Spiritualism do not become indoctrinated in anyone’s way of thinking. They are only a person just like you and you do not want to give anyone that kind of power over your spiritual development. Ask questions, find good reading materials, discuss what you are reading and thinking with many different Spiritualists to get a range of views and connect with Spirit and know that you will be guided. Your connection to Spirit will be unique and individual just like you are and no one teacher has all the answers and more importantly NO ONE has the right to tell you that you must DO IT THEIR WAY. If you come across this kind of control freak who is professing to be a teacher remove yourself from that situation as soon as possible!
The best teacher is one that knows that he or she does not have all the answers and that there is still much to learn. They usually are secure in their position in life and respect the views of others who they help to guide. They should be well educated in many areas of life not just Spiritualism and they should be able to adapt to the needs of you and others they teach.
Wherever you go for spiritual development have a good look at how the leader conducts him or herself with others. If they gossip or bring up past problems in Spiritualism or their lives all the time then know that these folks have much work to do and that you will only be able to learn so much from them.
If the person you are learning from is truly secure and together they will not constantly drudge up hurts from the past and will be able and willing to forgive those who they feel have wronged them. Just releasing hurts is not enough. If you release the hurt without forgiveness of the one who hurt you, you are only putting out the negativity of the experience into the world around you and that hurt will not leave you but only repeat itself in your life. Forgiveness is the energy that neutralizes the negativity of the hurtful situation and allows you to truly get on with your life.
So whether you need Cosmic Triggers in your life or you know that the energy works by Natural Law and is a moment by moment ongoing process the focus is still the same. We are each PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for the energy that we create and as we create it will return to us in kind be it positive or negative. It does not need to be any more complicated than that.
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