As I read different posts and blogs in different places there has been much mumbo jumbo about Cosmic Triggers and the unbalancing impact these supposed triggers will have on people. I am not sure I buy this idea. More likely the people who are feeling the negative impact of these so-called cosmic triggers are just reaping the negative that they have put out in the universe in the past and want to find some other event on which to blame their problems and the related dissatisfaction in life that they are experiencing.
One might see how Cosmic Triggers are a crutch for those who do not want to take responsibility for what negativity they have drawn to themselves. I guess some Spiritualists can pontificate about personal responsibility but when it comes to themselves, they look to Cosmic Triggers to explain why their lives are circling the rim of the crapper spiritually, financially and on all other levels. If life were good these folks would not keep posting about Cosmic Triggers as a way to avoid taking personal responsibility for the condition their lives are in.
Hey Catherine,
I read your post regarding that cosmic trigger crap. I agree, it s a pile of new age-high fibre fluff that seems to stink up the internet. If you do a bit of research on it, you'll find it originated from someone that claims to be in contact with an alien.
Yep, you guessed it! That is where all this information has come from. Last time I was confronted with someone that found themselves in a situation where an "alien" was transmitting information to their meditation group, the "stuck spirit" was hanging out in the astral plain looking for ways to sway people's minds so that supposed alien or negatively minded stuck spirit would focus on them and feed them.
Now if we break down the cosmic trigger event story...sure it speaks of elevating or enlightening your thoughts to a more positive nature. But what it actually asked us to do was to focus on some beam of light that radiated out into the heavens. Suppose this Spirit entity was somehow linked to that beam of light...say they were the actual physical representation of that beam of light in the astral plain and as everyone focused thoughts on it, all they did was feed the entity!
Now imagine a Spiritualist minister that would always frown on the idea of alien existence...and would always be first in line to stamp that idea out of your head because it is too...new age flakey...out there stuff... imagine that Spiritualist Minister posting it on a blog as a source of enlightened reading material?
I for one would thing that a medium in such a high standing as that of a Spiritualist Minister would be in direct communication with say a Spirit guide? That they would be able to translate a message of elevated intelligence from their very own guide on how to be positive in thought and reasons why... rather then borrowing from a psychic that claims to be in contact with an alien. He himself has stated...he is not sure where that alien is or lives or exists.
Yikes!!!!!!! And this kind of fluff is all over the internet!
Here!!! Let me add to that...If 1 billion people eat 5 Bean burritos on April 18th 2007 within 30 minutes... they will raise the atmospheric value of methane gas by 20%... thus causing a decrease in the world's oxygen supply... The lack of oxygen may cause the blood flow to stagnate in the brain and produce enlightened thought!!!
Actually I think T a c o Bell would be reporting record earnings for the month of april... and the colour of the sunset may be forever changed!
Hey there Paul...
I have to say I think that the people who post this Cosmic Triggers crap are either very unstable or ignorant of its origins. Regarding that certain Spiritualist Minister on whose blog I found this crap, I would say she is showing signs of both problems.
Gone are the days of sound Spiritualism it seems for some. We see that what some pontificate about is not the same as what they post as good Spirit Guide messages. I have seen many older Spiritualist Ministers lose their mediumship ability because they have abused the gift given to them by Spirit. They have been greedy and have abused the workers in their church. They have bullied students who have had to remind them that Spirit is the only real teacher and the public can tell there is something wrong from miles away and so people stay away.
These same leaders try to justify their inadequacy and wrong behavior by saying that Spirit is no longer in Spiritualism. But I would correct them and say Spirit has left THEIR church not Spiritualism. They have lost touch with their Spirit Guides because their jealousy, ego and paranoia got in the way of doing Spirit’s work. When spirit leaves people feel it and do not congregate and yet these Spiritualist ministers are confused why they have no congregation?
Well quite simply Spirit left their churches long ago because the leadership was off track and refused correction. When the leaders are full of resistance true Spirit Guides leave and all these stubborn people are left with are mischief makers from the astral plane that create nonsense like this Cosmic Triggers junk that some keep reposting into their blogs as something to be seriously considered. Go figure!
That’s how I see it anyway!
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