Yep I have been reading discussions at lately... There is a thread in Intuitive Counseling called Job Possibility where a a poster is asking advice on if they should claim potential work income since they are on Social Assistance...
The poster's Plan A is to claim the income and the Plan B is to "get paid off the books". Now as someone who is on Ontario Disability Supports I can understand the draw to the Plan B. What I don't understand is the first reply to that poster that encourages her to go for Plan B! The reason I find this advise reprehensible is because it is given to the said poster on an Intuitive Counseling discussion board where the person is basically asking for a reading! The most unbelievable thing though is the fact that it is a Spiritualist Minister from Toronto who is dispensing that bad advice!
According to this minister:
spiritalk 4/19/2007 10:31 AM | 2 out of 9 | ![]() | |
![]() | Go with plan B. Unfortunately government programs do not come with any wiggle room for aiding the recipient to get on their own feet. There design is to stifle any growth. God bless, J" |
That tells me two things... 1. that this so called minster is not above scamming the government in her own financial practices and 2. that she has no clue how irresponsible her off handed advice to that poster really is...
And when called on it this so called spiritual leader tries to excuse the crappy advice by making the following statement which Beliefnet has since removed from the thread: To see the original thread in its entirety at the time this blog was written you can go here
![]() | spiritalk 5/18/2007 10:24 AM | 8 out of 9 | ![]() |
![]() | I councel no one to do anything that is against their very nature. It is funny that cat can talk when she takes from the public coffers and then pays her bills from other sources of income. Pot calling the kettle black? Well.... The fact is that government plans have no wriggle room for the sincere worker. When that worker has come to terms with their own direction and found their feet, they tend to make excellent contributors to all of society. It just seems that the red tape can get in the way of sincere effort. The reason for saying go with plan B was simply to get yourself settled, then pay into the future with your own prosperity. I have seen it work time and again. And it was even reported as a newspaper story in our local paper. Wake up and smell the be spiritual does not mean being a doormat for those who are so judgemental as the posters here. God bless, J" |
I say balderdash! You are making these posts on an intuitive counseling thread and so you ARE counseling the posters who have asked for advise there! Gotta really wonder what goes through the heads of some people that is for sure...
I mean I guess the message from this so called minister is it is ok to cheat now and pay it back later??? And what happens if this poster falls out of favor with the said minster? How fast would she be the first in line to tell the person how she is lacking integrity and be threatening to report her?
Knowing how some folks can be vipers both on posting boards and off it is not a chance I would be willing to take! I can only hope that the poster has the good sense to ignore this woman's advice!
And for others who may have dealings with her it does put into perspective just how screwed up some so called spiritual leaders are! No wonder people treat spiritualist churches and their ministers as suspect! One thing is for sure she is clueless re her comments about the financial situation I am in and my status with regard to claiming income with the provincial government. But then given her logic she should have no issue if I WERE defrauding the government because she is advising another in writing on a public discussion board to take that action.... Go figure!
Yep I believe the word you are looking for is WTF???