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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Healing Messages Come From the Least Expected Places…. Thank you!

I met a very in tune lady on Monday, I must say we made a real connection and for me it was the thing I needed. Sometimes people can say things without knowing what they are touching upon.

As the past few blogs show I have been dealing with some very negative circumstances in my life and was feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, and through the kind and sensible words of this woman I was given what I believe was a message from Spirit that helped me to better understand what it is I am to do and learn as a reader and a teacher and why I was being challenged at this time.

While some people might not like what I have said in past blogs, I say what I think at the time to get others thinking too. More people tend to appreciate it than not so I guess that is a good thing. And in the case of this in tune lady who answered some struggles I was having; she saw something valuable in what I am doing and decided to connect. So it goes to show that you have to put your thoughts out there. Some may not like them and so be it. On the other hand, by being real and true to myself and honest in the work I do I draw amazing people to me and so will always risk offending the naysayers, and the negative jealous sorts for the chance to meet genuine, connected people.

I just wanted to take time to thank Julia and Spirit for touching my life though her words when I really needed it.


Unknown said...

Dear Catherine,
The pleasure of meeting you was all mine. You are a light bringer. And light shines on people and situations that need light. Saying truth is your truth and mostly you are saying truth because of the connection you have to God. Those who are unable to accept a message because it is true obviously need a bit more light.
Blessings to you. The feeling of gratitude for meeting you was mutual.

Catherine MacDonald said...

Yep messages come when we need them most...

Thanks for taking the time to post!



Do you believe in spirit contact with aliens through channeling?

When someone says they are spiritual or they are in spiritual work do you have higher expectations of them than you do of others around you?