This past summer I tried out Isagenix. After a month an a half on Isagenix I decided the product was not for me but not for the reasons the reader might assume. Honestly, think Isagenix has a great product line but I really did not like the business structure. Network marketing/ multi-level marketing may work for some people but it is not my style. If that was all there was to it then that would be the end of it but it is more than just a clash of business models in my opinion.
I have been working with energy and doing psychic work since 1994. I do know that energy is a very sensitive thing. As I consider these recessionary times I do know that people may become more desperate and may be trying to find innovative ways to make more money. Some may even venture into network marketing or multi-level marketing but hopefully though they are not involved in it for very long. Network marketing/multi-level marketing as a business structure is a low vibratory frequency that seems to be a combination of cult-like experiences with high pressure sales attached. For some people coping with tough financial times they may draw to this business structure because they are feeling frantic about their finances and their futures but most will not be able to keep their energy there for very long and that is a very good thing.
Why do I say that network marketing/ multi-level marketing is not the way to go at any time least of all in hard economic times? Well in my experience the network marketing/multi-level marketing business model has an empty, desperate and greed-based kind of energy at its core. It tends to feed off of the vulnerabilities and naivety of the individual who is interested in the product. Most people have had some experience with network marketing/ multi-level marketing style business and will avoid someone who is on fire with selling products that are presented in that fashion. It does not matter how great the product is most people do not want to feel pressured to joining a club and getting X number of people to join or being required to buy X amount of product every month (or whatever the set up happens to be) to get a deal.
The hierarchical structure results in those who are in it before the newcomer (and who happen to get them into it) having a vested interest in getting this person to perform by either getting their friends, family and business associates into it or having the newbie buy products on a regular basis. These network marketing/ multi-level marketing “managers” are counting on the newcomer to the product to be all gung ho about it. And when we start out it is only natural that we may really believe in the product and so we end up proselytizing about the product to whoever will listen. Anyone who has participated in this kind of negative, addictive energy building whether it be though network marketing/ multi-level marketing or connections to fanatical religious groups knows exactly how oppressive this kind of energy is. This is why many people refer to network marketing/ multi-level marketing type businesses as “cult-like” experiences.
After the initial high of finding the product and being included into the group what happens? The newbie finds out that other people that they know either are not interested or if they are they interested it is not for the long term. So then the new sales recruit then needs to find more people to bring into the network. To bring others in is essential because the only way that they and everyone above them keep making money is if everyone involved is adding associates or buying products on a regular basis. There is always pressure from the upper managers and so the enjoyment and benefit from the product gets watered down by the negative pressure that many new recruits face.
To me the network marking/ multi-level marketing business structure has a pushy, high-pressure sales element to it and this kind energy has a negative impact on the product and the people involved in promoting it. I really do think that the energy that is behind something be it a product or service does make a difference to how the product is received in the market place.
Wellness products such as Isagenix, if they are truly intended to promote improved heath and wellness would be better promoted with a nurturing energy rather than the desperate, pushy sales, cult-like and greed-based energy that seems to be at the root of the network marketing multi-level marketing business model. One has to wonder if the intentions of the company founders and all those who get into networking and multi-level marketing businesses will over time somehow have an unintended negative impact on the products they are selling and the people who buy them.
If we believe that thoughts are concrete things and that energy does build and have a life of its own then what kind of energy do we really want to be associated with the heath and wellness products that we consume? If it is true that desperate, pushy sales type and greed-based energy is at the root of the network marketing business model should those working in alternative energy and wellness businesses be careful of this business model? As an intuitive professional who does psychic readings and works with alternative energy modalities I really had to ask myself these questions and for me I do want to stay away from network marketing and similar type business models because of the way it pulls the energy of those involved with it down over time. I especially choose to be careful with products that I am ingesting that will somehow impact my health and wellness and that are sold via the multi level marketing approach. I make this choice because the energy behind that product is as powerful if not more powerful than the product itself when it comes to the long term effect it can have on people either positive or negative.
As each of us copes with the changing economic times it is my hope that people will not fall into the network marketing multi-level marketing trap even for a short period. What each of us does is a personal decision but remember that our energy is precious and you need to be mindful of what you spend it on.
As I said I have no issue with Isagenix products themselves, truth be known I think the products are very good but it is a shame they are not available in regular health food or department stores like other diet and wellness food products. It is unfortunate that Isagenix founders decided that network marketing was the way to go. I cannot agree with that as their decision seems to have put a money making mechanism before the health and wellness of people and really detracts from what would otherwise be a wonderful product that could be used to help more people.
Have you found a product like isagenix WITHOUT the marketing?
hi and thanks for your post... tho i 'see' this 'business' model from an energetic perspective differently...
first off, the products test out at a high 10 in a vibratory sense... the 'cleanse for life' as an example includes crystal water and a flood of other high no compromise natural and organic (no gmo) ingredients.. when i got on this nutritional system, my body literally woke up on all levels....
from an opportunity/business level... i feel also rates very high as i see this as a gift... also as an optional financial vehicle to support whatever passion someone holds... the company itself is making it easier and easier to be paid faster and simpler than any other 'network marketing' or 'mlm' company presently out there... i could go on and on re their accolades of being almost 11 years old and close to creating 100 millionaires and 100s of folk who are earning to pay their car payments.. mortgages and more...
i believe it's all about 'mindset' and connection - and not coming from the old way of 'sales' and 'greed'.. but from a new way to work together towards relieving people from physical and financial pain....
this is a business of 'sharing' as we would share a good movie or a book...
yes.. i know it's not for everyone... tho' i do see this as an option to 'people helping people' instead of again, the old way of earning via a 9-5 j.o.b. that goes no where except feed someone else's dream and not your own... isagenix offers that... in a huge way...
sending much light and bright blessings...
weaver (((o)))
shamanic-reiki artist/musician, sacred drummer...
@Insane -- I recommend fresh juice cleanses.
Catherine, love this piece and have linked to it in a blog note of my own...
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