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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rediscovering What Spiritualism and Church SHOULD be About!

On Sunday evening I did something I had not done since the summer. I went to church! You know how sometimes you just feel the need to be somewhere and so you go not knowing why but knowing you had to go at that particular time.

Anyway I went to Britten Memorial Spiritualist Church. I had no idea why I needed to be there but I went with an open mind. So I find myself at this little store front church tucked between two older commercial units. I see there is a number key lock on the door and I am thinking what the heck? But something prods me to enter.

Inside I found a beautifully decorated church and people happily getting ready for the Christmas Service. It has been many years since I set foot in a Christian Spiritualist Church so I was surprised that spirit would think to push me to come out on this night of all nights! Again I am thinking to myself, what the heck? And yet I am comfortable and feeling quite at home. One of the regular members has introduced herself to me and started explaining to me who is who and how things work at this church. It was like being introduced to someone’s family for the first time! I was totally amazed and felt so welcomed and this woman made sure that the folks who run things at this church met me also. Now I had talked to the president of the church several months prior and was totally surprised that he remembered me.

As the service progressed I remembered why I used to enjoy going to church. I felt more community in this little church than I had in the last 3 years I had spent in Spiritualism. After the service I stuck around for the coffee and visit and got to talk to most of the members who were also there enjoying fellowship with each other. I must say that it had been many years since I actually felt the true spirit of Christmas in a church and I found myself thinking about how glad I was that I had made the effort to attend that night.

What I saw and felt during the service and at the coffee and visit after was a group of people truly working as a community. The minister of this church passed away several months prior and this little church really has pulled together to pick up the pieces. Everyone I met that evening seemed genuinely pleased to welcome me as a newcomer and the president of the church even introduced me as a professional reader which shocked the heck out of me. None of these folks were threatened by the fact that I am an established reader who was coming into their church. What a nice change compared to my last experience! I must say that because I felt so welcomed and accepted as I am I gladly gave messages to those who asked or who spirit told me needed a word or two.

Although I would not consider myself a Christian Spiritualist, I will gladly attend this church again and even offer to help where I can because just by being kind and open these folks gave me something I felt was lost in Spiritualism. They showed me that there is genuine caring community and fellowship in their Spiritualist Church and really made an effort to welcome me into their congregation. Now I know why Spirit drew me out on Sunday night. Spirit wanted me to see what Spiritualism is supposed to be about. Love, community service, fellowship and healing! I feel blessed to have shared in the Christmas Service at Britten Memorial Spiritualist Church. I am looking forward to attending again in the New Year!


Catherine MacDonald said...

Hi Tish:

No offense taken. I too feel that way but have come to understand that the principles are left in the 19 century language in which they were brought forward for historical perspective and integrity of the religion, philosophy and science of Spiritualism.

Now I am not sure where you are posting from but the Canadian government is very particular about groups that claim to be religious organizations. One way that Spiritualism distinguishes it as a legitimate religion and not some strange cult is to have a history that can be documented in the principles, regulations and bylaws that each church follows and these are examined by the government on a regular basis.

Governments want to protect people from dangerous cults and Spiritualism can safely demonstrate that it has a legitimate history, set of founders and principles, regulations and bylaws that it adheres to. It is important be accountable as a group because the public should know exactly what they are dealing with if they participate with any spiritual group in general and specifically any Spiritualist church organization.

You might find the American version of the Principles of Spiritualism to be more flexible.


1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence.

2. We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.

3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance therewith constitute true religion.

4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.

5. We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.

6. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

7. We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.

8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul here or hereafter.

9. We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy and Healing are Divine attributes proven through Mediumship.

Principles 1-6 adopted in Chicago, Illinois, 1899
Principles 7-8 adopted in Rochester, New York, 1909
Principle 9 adopted in St. Louis, Missouri, 1944
Principle 9 revised in Oklahoma City, 1983
Principle 9 revised in Westfield, New Jersey, 1998
Principle 8 revised in Rochester, New York, 2001
Principle 6 revised in Ronkonkorma, New York, 2004

1. We believe in God.

2. We believe that God is expressed through all Nature.

3. True religion is living in obedience to Nature's Laws.

4. We never die.

5. Spiritualism proves that we can talk with people in the Spirit World.
6. Be kind, do good, and others will do likewise.

7. We bring unhappiness to ourselves by the errors we make and we will be happy if we obey the laws of life.

8. Everyday is a new beginning.

9. Prophecy and healing are expressions of God.

By Joseph P. Whitwell 3rd President

1. By this we express our belief in a supreme Impersonal Power, everywhere present, manifesting as life, through all forms of organized matter, called by some, God, by others, Spirit and by Spiritualists, Infinite Intelligence.

2. In this manner we express our belief in the immanence of Spirit and that all forms of life are manifestations of Spirit or Infinite Intelligence, and thus that all men are children of God.

3. A correct understanding of the laws of nature on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of life and living in accordance therewith will unfold the highest aspirations and attributes of the Soul, which is the correct function of True Religion.

4. "Life here and life hereafter is all one life whose continuity of consciousness is unbroken by that mere change in form whose process we call death." Lilian Whiting.

5. Spirit communication has been in evidence in all ages of the world and is amply recorded in both sacred and profane literature of all ages. Orthodoxy has accepted these manifestations and has interpreted them in dogma and creed in terms of the supernatural. Spiritualism accepts and recognizes these manifestations and interprets them in the understanding and light of Natural Law.

6. This precept we believe to be true. It points the way to harmony, peace and happiness. Wherever tried it has proven successful and when fully understood and practiced, will bring peace and happiness to man on earth.

7. Man himself is responsible for the welfare of the world in which he lives; for its welfare or its misery, for its happiness or unhappiness and if he is to obtain Heaven upon Earth, he must learn to make that heaven, for himself and for others. Individually, man is responsible for his own spiritual growth and welfare. Sins and wrong-doing must be outgrown and overcome. Virtue and love of good must take their place. Spiritual growth and advancement must be attained by aspiration and personal striving. Vicarious atonement has no place in the philosophy of Spiritualism. Each one must carry his own cross to Calvary's Heights in the overcoming of wrong-doing and replacing them with the right.

8. We discard entirely the terrible wrong and illogical teachings of eternal damnation and in place thereof we accept and present for consideration of thinking people the thought of the continuity of life beyond the change called death. A natural life, where the opportunity for growth and progress to better, higher and more spiritual conditions are open to all, even as they are here on the earth plane of life. We accept no such teaching as a "Hell Fire," but we do teach that sin and wrong-doing will necessarily bring remorse and suffering that would be difficult to describe in words and which can only be relieved by the individual's own efforts if not here, then in the hereafter. If we make our own lives better while here and that of our neighbors happier we shall unfold that happiness or heaven on earth which we shall carry with us into the Spirit World.

9. We thus affirm our belief in and acceptance of the truths and assertions that Prophecy and Mediumship are not unique nor of recent occurrence alone, but they are universal everlasting and have been witnessed and observed in all ages of the world.


Catherine MacDonald said...

Yes Tish:

You're welcome! I tend to like the US principles too. The ones used at Britten Memorial as with other Canadian Churches are easier to repeat in church but the US version is how I understand and apply the principles.

Do you believe in spirit contact with aliens through channeling?

When someone says they are spiritual or they are in spiritual work do you have higher expectations of them than you do of others around you?