“Of all isms I think dogmatism the worst.”
-- English freethinker George Jacob Holyoake (1817-1906).
Another inconsistency seems to be that certain people rail against “psychic parlor tricks” and “low level spiritual work”. They say that psychics are only reading from the physical energy/ aura around people. And yet these people are offering aura readings as a good example of mediumship? If the aura is only a reflection of the sitter’s mental, spiritual and physical state then offering aura reading is little more than a lazy way to read and is no better than the psychics that are supposedly lacking. It seems that the cheap psychic parlor tricks are ok if they draw in the cash though.
And more on burnout… some have the warped notion that to be truly spiritual you have to give till it hurts and that if you don’t then you are not truly a giver. Where is the balance of body, mind and spirit in that kind of thinking and expectation of others? Why then do such demanding leaders/ministers only have one or two workers that they drain to the point of burnout in the first place? Could it be that the more experienced workers see these leaders for the energy suckers they really are and have moved on long a go? Seems very likely and so if you enter a church and it is obviously a one woman/man show then you know that there is something wrong and to take a good look at what is really going on in the organization before you choose to get involved.
Good teachers learn and grow with the questions their students bring to them but too many are too wrapped up in their way being the right way to really consider the view of others who are just as qualified as they are! So the opinions of the “newbies” that have come to them as students will never be heard if truth be known. These so-called “teachers” pontificate about growth and evolution but when truly challenged to do so they balk at the idea and rant about why they must cling to the status quo. They even go so far as to become paranoid about others “taking over” the organization when all that is really offered are ideas to help move the organization in the direction the leader professes that he or she wants it to go. How is being so paranoid about one’s position and status a sign of positive connection to spirit?
Good teachers also are able to learn from other teachers and do not try to one up them in front of the students because they feel jealous and insecure. Good teachers make sure to check the content of guest teachers’ teaching materials BEFORE the class and make sure that everyone is on the same page! The sign of a truly inept teacher is one who does not do the prep work and then has so little respect for the other volunteers working for him or her that he or she insists on cornering them publicly in front of the class. Shoddy presentation if that is the way he or she runs the show! Yep natural law works well and negativity might be gauged by student responses to the course material’s lack of substance and negative attitude of the said teacher to the guest teachers who were working for free while the cash flowed into the said teacher’s pocket. Again I ask whose church is dying while other churches are building nicely and teachers have more students that space permits. Seems the said teacher who was belittled in front of a class of less then 5 has 17 of his own students and other home circles need more room to accommodate interested seekers! Where people are NOT going is a sure sign of where negativity exists in full force!

Yes the internet is full of information and yes discrimination and discernment is key but for those who do their church shopping online the ideas I have expressed in the last few blogs do not just apply to the online presence these organizations have but also should help interested seekers ask truly informed questions of those who set themselves up as “teachers” in Spiritualism. The savvy seeker will take what they read online from and about the said church and enter that organization with their eyes open. They will be asking questions about the leadership, the educators and the vitality of the organization which the dogmatists running the show may find difficult to answer! That open challenge by informed seekers is where the evolution lies. Questioning and taking their church membership to places that have reasonable answers to the questions forces dogmatic dinosaurs to be accountable to the public on the public’s terms.