Anyone who has been in Spiritualism any length of time knows that the sign of a healthy, truly thriving
Now I fully understand the value of voluntarism but some so-called ministers choose to take complete advantage of others for years and then have the nerve to say that such folks are "deadwood" and "negative" when if it were not for the free labour of these people the so-called Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre would not have had the quality mediums, healers and lecturers it once did nor the advertising and web savvy that it currently does.
A truly blossoming
If the Spiritualist Church/ Learning Centre is really doing as well as its promotional documents and websites profess then the courses offered should have a wide selection of teachers offering instruction and these folks should have the proper background of knowledge and actual ability to demonstrate (in a practical way) the material covered. Each teacher’s/instructor's bio/resume should be available to prospective students and online if the
If you do not see a variety of workers listed on the events calendar or a clear list of who the teachers are (with detailed, current bios) that are supposed to teach the courses in Spiritualism then you have to ask yourself how viable the organization truly is. Glossy materials and bluster in blogs/websites/and documentation stating viability and a thriving status of the organization does not make it so. Bluster is just that and should be backed up by real substance but usually is not when it comes down to it.
When considering attending a Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre thoroughly check out the blogs of the minister and or the church website also ask for as much documentation on the organization, its leadership and instructors as you can get your hands on. If the documentation is not forthcoming or if you feel like it is a “one dog show” after reading the information they DO provide then likely your impression is right on the mark.
If you do decide to get involved with courses from a said Learning Centre teaching Spiritualism PLEASE take the time to attend other events they offer before you dig deep in your pockets! Take your time getting involved and be careful how much money you put into it. The longer you are around the more likely you will see the true level of viability (or lack there of) as the case may be of the specific organization. If it really is thriving you will know it very shortly.
If there is a lack of attendance or the minister makes negative comments about people who have left even if it is just a subtle derogatory reference to “deadwood” or supposed “negative people” either to you in person or in public writings you need to ask yourself what is really going on with that spiritual leader. Ask yourself why that person is still so focused on the negative people or situations they say are no longer a problem for the said organization? Keep reading what this person writes and keep listening to what he or she says over time. Eventually they will show you where the real problem rests.
Quite simply control freaks in the leadership of Spiritualist Churches and Learning Centres have the habit of driving good mediums/healers and teachers away BECAUSE are unwilling or unable to work with others as part of a team. If you are around these types long enough you will come to recognize them for who they really are as the pattern does repeat itself will become obvious over time!
Whatever Spiritualist Church/Learning Centre you decide to get involved with please take the time to fully examine what is offered and ask Spirit to help you focus your sense of discernment!
I'm currently on my own spiritual development path and live in Durham Region but this area does not advertise much going on with regards to some of the spiritualist churches.
Is there a particular church in Toronto that you would recommend as per your own experience.
My goal is to develop mediumship and clairvoyance but to a greater level.
Hello Opal:
Thank you for your question...
Their are several Spiritualist churches. You may want to try out
Star of Hope Spiritualist Church
#10, 191 Bloor St. E, Oshawa L1H-3M3
Tel: (905) 728-6198
The Fellowship of Spiritualist Church of Oshawa
Contact: Rev. Alva Folkes
211 Brock Street South
Tel: (905) 725-3737
The church I go to and recommend in Toronto is:
Britten Memorial Church of Canada
Rev. Bea Broda
657 Lansdowne Ave.
Tel: (416) 532-1197
Spiritual Healing & Messages held Sunday at 4 pm.
Sunday Evening Services & Messages at 7pm.
Psychic Days held monthly - e-mail us for a schedule.
Development Classes held Mondays at 7pm.
Outreach Program Lectures available in your area. Call or e-mail us for details.
Their website is at www.brittenmemorial.com
And there is a directory of Spiritualist churches in Ontario here which will let you access their websites if they have them. HERE
Thank you for the very resourceful info! I checked out the Britten Memorial Church website which I found to offer many specialized programs that I'm looking for.
Thanks again.
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