Ever wonder why Spiritualists and Psychics believe as strongly as they do in the connection to the afterlife and why they know that Spirit contact is real?
While many folks might want to challenge the understanding these folks have of the Spirit World there are just some experiences that cannot be explained away. In my work as a Spiritualist Medium/Psychic Advisor I hear all kinds of different personal stories where people have been touched in a very real way by their loved ones who are now in spirit.
A few weeks ago I received a wonderful email from one of the sitters in my development circle explaining how her grandmother came through with beautiful proof that she had come to visit this woman earlier in the evening during the development class. I am pleased to share here on this blog with the writer’s permission the section of email as it was written to me a few weeks ago. I hope in doing so I can help others understand how wonderful spirit contact can be.
“On our way home from your house last night we [Anne and her husband Denis] were talking about our meditation and we both felt that we'd had a really wonderful experience. When we got home there was this wonderful smell in the house like someone had been baking. The house was warm and the aroma was all around the house even up the stairs and in the bedroom. At first I thought I had left something in the over and checked but nothing; we went all around the house sniffing trying to find out where the smell was coming from but we couldn't find anything. All I could think of was that Sarah mentioned that she saw someone around me that could have been my grandmother and she was an awesome cook and baked all time. I could feel her presence, as I do sometimes, and could see her smiling at us. I still find it amazing when these incidents happen, no wonder we love Tuesdays!”
When I consider such events I have to think they happen to remind us that our loved ones in spirit love us very much and do come to visit us and remind us of good times and joyful memories. In asking for proof that it was her grandmother that was near during the development circle Anne and her husband both experienced a welcoming home that only her grandmother would/could offer to them. It is these loving experiences shared with spirit that strengthens our belief that everything and everyone is connected and that there is much more to this life than the here and now.
With that understanding in mind Spiritualist Mediums and Psychics find peace and healing and personal balance in their lives and feel compelled to share these experiences with others so that they too might enjoy such occurrences in their lives. As a Spiritualist Medium/ Psychic Advisor my primary goal is to help others discover who is near them from the Spirit world and what blessings these folks in spirit wish to share with them.
Please feel free to add your positive experience with spirit contact to the discussion area of this blog.
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