Many times in my life I have been told that through my spiritual work that I am meant to be a catalyst in the lives of others. While I accept this as part of the purpose behind being a Spiritualist Medium there are times when it is a very stressful to be handed this job. It has in the past hurt me deeply to see friendships end and to realize that I am really alone in the way I see my work but I have come to fully trust Spirit does things for reasons and that in the end it works out as it should.
Self-preservation being an instinctual tool, I can sense when I must speak my truth in a blunt way and for some this is the catalyst in their lives that they least expect. Sadly but not surprisingly, I find that these folks with agendas are so focused on changing others to fit their notions of how life should unfold that they do not realize that Spirit is actually using me to be a catalyst in their lives rather than the lives of the people they hope and expect to change.
I used to think I was just imagining it but the more I go through experiences with people the more I am convinced that I am a life catalyst but that as a catalyst I am never quite what the people who’s lives I change expect me to be. While this used to bother me I now think it is how Spirit uses each of us to help those around us grow.
With that in mind I know I am blunt and say the things that some folks are not ready to hear but I am definite in saying what I am compelled say and adamant in knowing that I am guided by Spirit regardless. For this reason I stand by what I say and will face whatever consequences might come out of being truthful with those who ask for my advice and psychic impressions.
For those who might not really be able to handle the blunt truth then do not challenge me to be a life catalyst for others unless you are willing to risk change as well because you will find I am never what you expect and that the changes you plan for others might be brought to your life instead because that is how Spirit works.
I've seen your advertisements in like, every magazine so I thought I'd check out your site. I have to say you seem very negative and ego-centric which is a big warning sign to 'stay away'. Plus, anyone who has to advertise as much as you seems quite desperate...little more than a dime-a-dozen charlatan. You're a real turn off...but I didn't expect a hell of a lot more.
PS. Couldn't you find a synonym for 'catalyst?'
Well ev I am pleased to see you decided to post. I shows you read the blog and even nasty comments can be good for discussion.
My sense is that you are someone who is also in the psychic industry and so you feel threatened by someone who pays good money to be in a variety of places. You also seem bothered by someone who does not spill out the fake love and light stuff all the time.
Yes this blog was a negative one but I have been dealing with some negative people and things in my life lately and as much as it is a "turn off" to you I do have the right to be human and express frustration with the unhealthy expectations of others who try to use me for their own twisted agendas.
I am not egotistical about it. I was being told I was a catalyst and then I was told by that same person how they expected me to be this catalyst and the expectation did not fit with how I saw things and so I did what I felt was right for me and the person with the expectations now has to deal with the situation they tried to get me in the middle of being much different because I took myself out of the middle.
I get people that assume all the time that they will use my psychic abilities to influence others. Spirit decides and if something does not feel right to me I listen to my gut and it usually serves me very well.
We are all catalysts for the people around us just never in the way that some of those others expect and sometimes people do not like that Spirit makes those choices through the free will of each of us.
It is interesting that you claim to be a positive person but all you can do is tear down another and yet you wonder why you see so much negativity in the world? I am not surprised. I do wish you well but if I worried about what negative people thought of me I would not be a Medium. It can be a wonderful job but there are times when it is stressful and painful too. Not surprising to me your post indicates when someone says they are spiritual somehow they are always expected to be positive and perfect or assumed to be a disappointment if they do not live up to the unreasonable standards of others.
If I were the typical rip-off, store front psychic would I have written about how those scams are done? Not likely but I would hazard a guess that you did not read my blog as throughly as you claim because I do tell people how NOT to get ripped off.
Sadly there are many that fit the assumptions you make about me but I can say I am one of the few who does not take the client's money if I am unable to read them and helps them find a quality reader if I am not able to perform. How many dime-a-dozen psychics do that?
Re Advertising: You are entitled to your opinion but advertising is what business is about and in a perfect world Psychic Readings would not be a business but this is not a perfect world.
Do you feel the same way about every business you see advertised? Does that mean that The GAP, Levis or the churches that advertise their services on Sundays are dime-a-dozen too charlatans too? I suppose because Ekert Tolle had a huge promotion of his book New Earth (thanks to Oprah) that he is a fraud too? Maybe I am missing something but your thinking just does not make sense to me....
Ha ha ha ha. I guess that just goes to show how we can all have "off" days - being that I'm a history major at U of T and all. I guess paranoia's not just for the conspiracy nuts anymore. Keep up the great work.
I am not paranoid lol its a strange industry and the internet is strange too... If it is someone in the industry they never reply and if it is not they then make some crack about how off I am...
In your case a student with WAY WAY to much time on her hands... Well that explains it.
Anyway, keep reading and posting it is good for google and that means good for me...
Take care,
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