Additional comments to my last blog I have been in Spiritualism a long time since I was 24 and I am 37 now but that does not mean I felt good about it for that entire time. While I never regretted opening to spirit and where my life has come to, I resent the fact that I was used and abused by some who call themselves ministers. I can say only that I am relieved that that part of my life is closed and I have moved beyond the control of these kinds of people.
That said it seems one person insists on copying my comments on discussion threads in TRYING to make some kind of point in the comment areas of my blogs. Damned if I know what it is but, I do not endorse plagiarism. Therefore, I have deleted the posts only to have her repost them and will say that folks who do such things are definitely mentally unbalanced or maybe just stupid, two dimensional and lazy. Who knows what her problem is? But there comes a time when one needs to respond and I have done that here and in the comment section of the blog where she posted my content. Annoying but at least I know she is reading them! I guess that is something eh? On that note though, it would be nice if that said minister could come up with an original way to interact with people on blogs and in discussion threads.
Hi there Improver:
Thank you for the comment and I am more than happy to get back to positive content on this blog!
To answer your question, I have been challenging the status quo in Spiritualism in many ways and places online these days. I say controversial things. Some folks feel threatened and so they react and retaliate and make themselves look bad.
What I did was say that mediums are no better or worse than psychics and this is controversial because if there is no real difference then why do we need Spiritualist Churches and Spiritualist Ministers? So folks that have invested their whole lives into Spiritualism get angry when you talk about the real problems that exist in the movement in a public way. I am not trying to damage Spiritualism but if we want to be taken seriously by the public we have to be accountable and willing to correct the problems that are rampant at present.
The status quo is to elevate the status of mediums because these folks demonstrate “proof of survival” and are the corner stone of Spiritualism. While I respect that (and take my title very seriously) I feel that to increase their status and be able to say with authority that mediums are better than psychics then training in Spiritualism must become standardized in the sense that the standards are higher so that there is more continuity between the instruction the churches offer.
To me what makes someone a good medium or psychic is their genuine intent and effort and training that allows them to do the work well.
Mediums are trained in Spiritualist churches while most psychics are not, and one hopes it is good training, but good training and decent Spiritualism Educators (in Toronto Ontario Canada) anyway seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Each of the churches is independent and so standards vary.
That said I have finally found a place where there is a conscious effort to train new mediums properly and where more experienced mediums can refresh their skills and knowledge.
You know after one class Britten Memorial Spiritualist Church, I found that I was reviewing important ideas related to psychic/ mediumship development that were never properly explained and should have been. Knowing what something is is far different from knowing how to apply it well and why it works the way it does. I am enjoying brushing up on things that will help me do my job better.
I am a solid, accurate medium but working on one's attunement and knowledge is a continual process. If one is healthy, he or she will have the attitude that he or she is always a student with something to learn. Too many of the older ministers loose this perspective IMO.
Keep believing in yourself and block out the negative energy some are sending your way.
One week to getting the house in St. Thomas. Cool
Jim xo
Hi Jim:
Thanks for the encouragement... I do continue to do what I have always done... Stable Spiritualism without all the backstabbing, personal and church politics or other "New Age" nonsense... As for the negativity of others they reap what they sew as the saying goes!
Glad to hear about the house in St Thomas... Wishing you and Lori all the best in your new life together!
Thanks for reading! And yes it is time for a new blog entry!
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