Had an interesting conversation with the minister of Church of Universal Love last Wednesday night. Although their classes do not start until the fall I do think I will be interested in checking out their public meditation and message service on Tuesday nights. I also would not mind checking out their meditation and healing service on Friday evenings. It was very nice that someone took the time to call me back and share with me what the church is doing. It was also a relief that I could also be straight forward about who I am, where I am coming from, my experiences of late and what I hope to find in a church home in the near future.
I also spoke to the gentleman from Britten Memorial again and although I have had to put my involvement in their circle on hold until September because of the move, I am very interested their 6 week intro course to home circle development. I cannot wait to be moved and more settled so I can focus on new projects and activities.
As it stands now I know I will be opening my home to a home circle when I am finally moved and settled in. I expect that by late August early September that I will be inviting people to join the home circle. It will be good to have the freedom to work with people I respect and enjoy and a pleasure to see them develop their mediumship.
On another completely unrelated note, I read somewhere that blogs are like one’s résumé. I got the sense from the post that this is somehow a bad thing? I think employers are smart to do google searches and find out who their prospective employers are by what they post and involve themselves in on the world wide web. Yes it can mean risk of being eliminated from a potential job but it can also give your potential clients a sense that you are the real deal and do not put up with nonsense. This latter reason, in my opinion, is all the more reason for me to write about the topics that interest me and my experiences as a professional Spiritualist Medium/ Psychic. I stand by what I have posted in my blogs and on various discussion sites regarding the psychic aspect, mediumship, healing and Spiritualism and find that the honest and direct approach to hypocrisy, duplicity, scams and false accusations that are groundless is the best way to go.
At least when folks come to me for a reading or spiritual advice, they know they will get a no nonsense answer that is based on a combination of 12 years of practical experience, current involvement as a professional and up-to-date reading/research on the psychic aspect, mediumship, healing, Spiritualism and other related topics.
If folks are afraid that what they post will cost them employment opportunities and they cannot stand by what they post in blogs or on discussion sites then perhaps they should not post at all? As for me I have always called things as I see them. This is what makes me a strong medium and I am not about to fix something that isn’t broken as the saying goes.