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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Is religious affiliation necessary to be a Spiritualist?


The longer I am exposed to the organizations that call themselves Spiritualist Churches the more I wonder if these will become a thing of the past for the most part. Seems to me that most folks want to do psychic development and learn about spiritual healing without the trappings and politics of religious affiliation.

Consider the fact that the world is running on the mentality of being open and available 24-7 and for many this change in the world of business that allows us to have service on demand means that many folks work at times where traditionally they would have gone to church. For those who do have Sundays off (the common day of worship in western culture) is it any wonder that the last thing these folks really want to do is to kill a Sunday morning, afternoon or evening at church? This time my be the only real time they have to spend as a family and when it comes to Spiritualist Churches there are not enough of them around so that you can find one in your community. Then when you do there is the issue that each is doing its own thing and then there is the internal personality clashes and politics that are bound to send even the most ardent Spiritualist running for cover.

Does Spiritualism need to organize itself in the traditional religious structure or is there some other way that the principles of Spiritualism can be brought to the masses? What do we need to do to reach genuine seekers and to eliminate the pitfalls of the traditional religious organizational structure? Do we need churches or is it time to move ahead and on to new ways of sharing spiritualism? What other kinds of organizations would better suit our faster paced, jaded and spiritually seeking society? Just some of the questions I wonder about more often these days.



Gary Wood said...

Should we not worship truth and not what just tickles our fancy?

Catherine MacDonald said...

And worshiping Jesus is truth when the Bible has been rewritten by men so many times for political and social gain?

He was a man no more no less but you are free to your choice of delusions.

Catherine MacDonald said...

Rajay: I agree with your comment here! And as Spiritualism organizes and the beliefs and practices become entrenched it has all the same problems of the mainstream religions to which it was meant to be a healthy alternative.

Seems human nature is to organize and complicate spirituality—something that should be so simple.


Do you believe in spirit contact with aliens through channeling?

When someone says they are spiritual or they are in spiritual work do you have higher expectations of them than you do of others around you?