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Monday, July 10, 2006

Free Like a Hawk

Those who take advantage of others time and effort and just assume that they can orchestrate how the people will give up time in their lives just because they are a member of a volunteer organization do not like it when the people whom they try to control and yet dump all the work on while they expect to take all the credit are usually dismayed when the underlings finally see the light and put a stop to the invasion into their lives. Standing up for me and talking about the things that have happened to me in the guise of church and spirituality and Spiritualism is the most healing.

To be obligated several nights a week and to be expected to give up weekends with friends and family for the sake of Church obligations planned without my input and with no respect for my personal life is such physical and emotional drain. Like a hooded hawk stuck waiting to be released.

To finally have the strength to break free of the constant demand and expectation of tasks to be done with little to no appreciation shown for work done is most healing. Now I can go anywhere I want and just be a member of a church. I do not have to put up with being told how I should think, what I should say, how I should act and how often I shall serve. So much to look forward to! As I rediscover again what it is like to live my own life on my terms unshackled!

The hawk has flown off the dark arm and is now truly free…

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Do you believe in spirit contact with aliens through channeling?

When someone says they are spiritual or they are in spiritual work do you have higher expectations of them than you do of others around you?