It is interesting to note how those who manipulate and take advantage of others cry foul and say it is “abusive” when called on their actions. They claim to be spiritual and focused but in actual fact they are aging, grasping at old dreams, unfocused and jealous of younger folks who have their whole lives ahead of them.
The computer can be a useful tool and were it not of the more talented who are assumed to have so much time on their hands the one crying foul would not be as computer savvy and able to post her gripe as she has done these past days. Why is it that some folks insist on dishing out negativity but cannot understand when it is returned to them?
Law of attraction dictates as we put out there so we get back. Should the manipulator be surprised when their behaviour comes back to roost? Not particularly. They keep whining about the anonymity of being behind the computer screen but did they deal with issues as they came up or did they let them build and explode unreasonably when they could not get their own way? I do not consider rude, unfounded accusations to be a spiritual way to deal with problems. Perhaps I am missing something here?
What can be learned is that those who need title and feel this gives them power over others are shocked and angered when they discover that the title and the organization they have fritted their life away on is really of very little value to anyone other than themselves and their fragile egos. They accuse those who want to address real problems of organized religion and the position of minister of putting in bad words about them. Perhaps more accurately they have been shown an accurate mirror and they do not like the image they see from the life they have created for themselves? If that is so then it behooves them to take personal responsibility make changes and stop trying to place the blame for their short comings and discontent about their situation onto others who have better things to do with their energy, education and time. They advise others to be responsible for actions and yet are unable or unwilling to do so themselves. What a sad statement for a person in a position where they looked upon for guidance and with respect.
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