To my surprise I actually was interviewed and quoted in this article below for the Globe and Mail! Quite frankly I thought that the interview was a ruse on the part of the reporter to get a free reading. I get many folks calling and saying that they work in the media and that if I do a reading for them that they will promote my site for me.
As the interview continued I realized that Rebecca Eckler was a serious reporter and enjoyed the interview with her. For your convenience I have included the complete text of the article below:
Love Potion $99.99
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Are you unlucky at love? Desperate to get your man back? Or do you just want to see the jerk squirm? For some broken-hearted women, the dark arts promise more consolation than a trip to the spa. And there are plenty of practitioners out there offering vengeance — for a price.
Just Google “spell casters” and more than four million sites pop up. It seems the best revenge is not living well, but a well-cast spell.
Internet spell casters offer a range of services from “Return my Lover” and “Break Them Up” to “Stop a Divorce” and “Revenge Spells.”
I decided to go spell shopping on behalf of a friend, whose five-year, on-again, off-again romantic obsession had ended in disaster. But most of those I contacted seemed more interested in my credit-card number than my friend's love life. Sister Zhana at lovemiracles.net spent two seconds on the phone explaining she specializes in “love, career, family and enemies,” before cutting short the call.
One of the more intriguing services is offered by Spell Master Tony, at extremespells.com. During October, his “custom revenge spell” was on sale for only $99.99, down from $329. For that, Tony will not only see that your ex is fired from his job, he'll ensure that his dog runs away too. (If he could just make all his hair fall out, I might be sold.)
Catherine MacDonald, a psychic reader outside Toronto, says most Internet spell casters “are rip-off artists. There is no such thing as spells or quick fixes. The Internet has spawned a whole generation of people who believe in spells. I get about one call a week asking if I do spells. I don't. They all know about them from the Internet.”
According to MacDonald, the women seeking these services are not nut cases. Often they're professionals who should know better.
“They prey on people who they know are desperate. They are making a ton of money and it pisses me off. A fool and his money are easily parted, as the saying goes. I've seen sites that cost up to $1,200 to cast spells. It amazes me people just aren't good at using common sense.”
MacDonald says she counsels women to consider why they would want someone who came back just because of a spell. Sensible advice, yes, but for many women in a state of romantic desperation, it doesn't really matter why their lover comes back — as long as he does.
These are the women that Internet spell casters are after.
Angel Carra at supernaturalservices.com offers a “Stop a Divorce” spell for $59.90. However, as she writes on her site, her “top love spell” is the “Super Love Spell,” which costs $99.90.
“If your main goal is to get your lover to return fast, with new feelings for you and to keep you together in love for ever, this is for you,” she writes.
All her spells are guaranteed to work or your money back — “100-per-cent guaranteed.” If you read the fine print, however, you get your refund back only after nine months.
The appeal of surfing the Net fantasizing about revenge or getting him back is understandable. It can also be addictive, and most sites are skilled at convincing you they really work, with client testimonials like this one from spellsthatwork.com: “I wanted to let you know I am seeing great results as from your previous work. Frank is admitting and calling and coming around to see that he misses me tremendously and needs to be with me.”
At www.worldsmostpowerfulspells.com, High Priestess Katherine Uhls warns that she is so busy she may “stop taking clients at any time. . . . If you are serious about ordering, don't delay.”
Emagickspells.com offers a “bad luck spell,” which will “target one person's life and make it a living misery of the most terrible misfortune possible.”
MacDonald thinks this is bad karma. “If you put negativity out there, it will come back to you. That's the basic principle I follow. Basically, if you are seeking revenge or trying to mend a broken heart, you must trust that it will happen on its own.”
Which, of course, is not as much fun as searching for spell casters.
As for my friend, I'm taking her to the Stillwater Spa. At least I know their facials work.
Special to The Globe and Mail
Source: LINK
If you enjoy discussion you can go to the Globe and Mail website and join the discussion attached to the article.
From this article I was also asked to do several other interviews!
A Radio Interview on the subject of "Spell Casters Online" for The Shauna Rae Show on News Talk 1290 CJBK (London, Ontario) on October 31, 2006—11 am. http://www.cjbk.com/
I also have an interview with CBC for a number of shows from 3-6 pm on Tuesday, October 31, 2006.
And as I mentioned in an earlier blog, I did an interview about “Spiritualism" on the Rogers Cable cast show 3 D Dialogue. Show aired October 23, 26, and 28, 2006. LINK
I am so thankful for all these opportunities to share my experience of the psychic aspect and psychic industry with the public.